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Audio Books

Brad Fregger, was the Publisher for Parrot Audio Books from September, 1993 to January, 1996. Click each link to read some stories, in his own words, of the experiences he had.

Many of the audio books are currently unavailable; however, some may be purchased used. If you would like to check availability, click the link to Amazon.

My Life, by Burt Reynolds (ISBN 1-886392-00-5) purchase from Amazon
Take Me Home , by John Denver (ISBN 1-886392-01-3)
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Smokey Brandon Duo, by Noreen Ayres (ISBN 1-886392-02-1)
The Exorcist, by William Peter Blatty (ISBN 1-886392-03-X)
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Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes (ISBN 1-886392-04-8)
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Creating a Million Dollar Image For Your Business
, by Bobbie Gee (ISBN 1-886392-05-6)
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I'll Tell Them I Remember You, by William Peter Blatty (ISBN 1-886392-06-4)
UFO Encounters, by J.B. Michaels (ISBN 1-886392-07-2)
The Midnight Partner, by Bart Davis (ISBN 1-886392-08-0)
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Werewolf Tonight, by Don Whittington (ISBN 1-886392-09-9)
Vampire Mom, by Don Whittington (ISBN 1-886392-10-2)
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Spook House, by Don Whittington (ISBN 1-886392-11-0)
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Speaker, author, and much more ...

All content, except space images, copyright Brad Fregger. Space photos courtesy of NASA.