
Since the dawn of humanity storytelling has been the most common, most powerful, way of passing on the history of communities, families, and individuals.  Stories also provide a great form of entertainment and can be found in everything from songs, to poetry, to the modern day commercial.  In addition, stories are probably the best way to change attitudes, to heal hurts, to commit others to a cause.

This is where we share our life's stories, we hope you will be entertained, and, take away something of value.

Life Stories by Barbara Foley

My Two Great Aunts
A family memoir

Forever Sixteen
A family memoir

Life Story by Dennis Fregger

Defining Moment
One time when everything went right; just when it had to

This story and many others are from Brad Fregger's book, Get Things Done - Ten Secrets of Creating and Leading Exceptional Teams.

Life Story by Chihoe Hahn

How I, Chihoe Hahn, Personally Changed the Dress Code
for All Attorneys in the U.S.

This story and many others are from Brad Fregger's book, One Shovel Full - Telling Stories to Change Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptions.

Life Stories by Brad Fregger

The Shanghai Story
How Shanghai, one of the most successful games in
computer history, was brought to the world.

One Shovel Full
A touching story of determination and accomplishment.

My Messiah Moment
An entertaining story of seizing the moment.

These stories and many others are from Brad's book, One Shovel Full - Telling Stories to Change Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptions.

Harvest Moon Press is owned by Brad Fregger, CEO/Publisher of Groundbreaking Press